Management tools
Automate your routine processes using an integrated approach
Tool description
Workflow optimization
All information about the venues is contained in the personal account, as well as data of employees, clients and others are available using easy-to-use tools:
Full calendar for all venues, workload, clients data and other details
Personal account
Creating the required number of user accounts with different access levels
Safely store and organize your clients' data using CRM system
Optimize your workflow, automatically send important information to your clients, manage venues and free dates:
Process automation
Data synchronization
Dates, prices and information of venues are instantly synchronized across all sales channels
Automatic sending of emails
Send prices, confirmations and invoices to your clients upon booking using the service
Checking the availability of venues
Easily track dates and venues for events in your personal account
Cloud document management
Automatically create all important documents (invoices, vouchers and prices) after receiving a new booking
Meetingline service
Other tools
Reports, sales dynamics monitoring, pricing formation
Internet Booking Engine
Direct control and sales channel management in one place
Online renting, searching and booking of conference halls and venues