Save time on space search:
enter the criteria and get information of suitable locations availability
Meetingline will help you find the perfect place in just one click
We provide information about the space, taking into account the number of invited guests
For any number of participants
We will select space that best meets the event goals
For any event
Flexible request: the time limit is set only by you
For any period of time
Searching for space easily with our free service help:
Online payments
we integrated safe online service
Book now
the places you need at any time
and protection against fraud
The best offers
collected on the platform
Filters are provided for the search, which help to find places according to the requirements. It is possible to track the booking and form an additional request for various service types for all registered users.

The platform contains information about different locations where you can hold business meetings and conferences, weddings, birthdays and other events:
Internet Booking Engine
Easy searching
Wide selection
Spaces overview
Book space for your celebration or event